If you’re spending some time in the state, you will want to know these South Dakota slang words to help you speak like a local. From great road trips to tasty burgers, as well as enjoyable cities like Sioux Falls, this is a state you will want to get to know a whole lot better.
Here are 7 South Dakota Slang Words To Sound Like A Local

1. Taverns = Sloppy Joe
What other Americans call a Sloppy Joe, South Dakotans call a tavern (or loosemeat). It’s like a Sloppy Joe but without the tomato!

2. Hot Beef = Roast beef sandwich
The best sandwich in the entire state: hot beef sandwiches with mashed potatoes and gravy are an open-faced sandwich that is pure comfort food.

3. Truck Topper = Truck canopy
Otherwise called a canopy and a camper shell in other parts of the country.

4. Scotcheroos = Candy bar
Scotcheroos are dessert bars with chocolate, butterscotch, peanut butter, and Rice Krispies.

5. Corn hole = Bean bag toss
Corn hole is the fun bean bag toss game you play every summer in South Dakota!

6. Plumb tuckered out = Extremely tired
The only correct response to this phrase in SD is, “You pert’near done run yourself ragged.”

7. Wrasslin’ = Wrestling
Wrestling (or, as they say in South Dakota, ‘wrasslin’) is one of the most popular sports in the state.
Spending time in the state? Check out The 7 Best Pizzas In South Dakota.