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Alabama Slang Words To Sound Like A Local

Alabama Slang Words To Sound Like A Local

Big 7 Travel Team |
North America

If you’re spending some time in the state, you will want to know these Alabama slang words to help you speak like a local. From great road trips to tasty burgers , as well as enjoyable cities like Birmingham , this is a state you will want to get to know a whole lot better.

Take note of these essential Alabama phrases and you’ll fit right in – or at the very least, not be confused if somebody says one of these sayings!

Here are 7 Alabama Slang Words To Sound Like A Local

Chunk it = To throw something away

1. Chunk it = To throw something away

In Alabama, you don’t just toss something in the trash. You chunk it. You can chunk a brick through a window – but please, don’t.

Grits= The backbone of every Alabama breakfast made with ground corn

2. Grits= The backbone of every Alabama breakfast made with ground corn

Shrimp and grits, smoked sausage and grits, or any way you prefer, no grits is complete without a generous heap of butter, cheese, and heavy cream.

Buggy = The cart you push around when shopping

3. Buggy = The cart you push around when shopping

Load up your shopping buggy with some grits and Royal Reds for a classic Alabama feast.

Royal Reds= A large shrimp common in Alabama that has a similar taste to lobster

4. Royal Reds= A large shrimp common in Alabama that has a similar taste to lobster

Found 60 miles offshore in deep, cool waters, royal reds are the kings of Gulf shrimp.

Roll Tide= A phrase that unites all Crimson Tide fans across the Cotton State.

5. Roll Tide= A phrase that unites all Crimson Tide fans across the Cotton State.

Roll Tide is the rallying cry for the Alabama Crimson Tide athletic teams. If someone greets you with ‘Roll Tide’ the only proper way to respond is with a ‘Roll Tide!’

Hankerin’s = To have cravings

6. Hankerin’s = To have cravings

Do you have a hankerin for some grits? ‘Cos we sure do.

Wore slap out= To be tired

7. Wore slap out= To be tired

You’ll be wore slap out after trying to remember all these phrases…

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