If you’re spending some time in the state, you will want to know these Arkansas slang words to help you speak like a local. From great road trips to tasty burgers, as well as enjoyable cities like Little Rock, this is a state you will want to get to know a whole lot better.
Take note of these essential Arkansas phrases and you’ll fit right in – or at the very least, not be confused if somebody says one of these sayings!
1. Bowed up= Refers to impatience or ill humor, similar to how a snake bows up its head before it strikes
This conversation was getting me all bowed up!
2. Spun up= Worked up
“He’s really spun up about the news he got.”
3. I’m madder than a wet hen = Very, very angry – and the anger will continue!
If you don’t come home in time your momma will be madder than a wet hen!
4. ‘That boy ain’t got the sense God gave a goose’ = This guy is foolish
A classic phrase in Arkansas.
5. I got it from the gettin’ place = Why do you need to know where I got it, anyway?
Aka none of your business.
6. My belly thinks my throat’s been cut = Extremely hungry
Want to go for lunch? I’m so hungry that belly thinks my throat’s been cut!
7. Tumped = Flipped over
“We were paddling our canoe down the Buffalo River, but we tumped over.”
Spending time in the state? Check out The 25 Best Burgers In Arkansas.