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7 Popular Brazilian Drinks You Have To Try

7 Popular Brazilian Drinks You Have To Try

Siobhan McKenny
4 years ago
2 minutes Read
South America

Brazil is home to some of the world’s favourite food and beverages, with amazing non-alcoholic and alcoholic Brazilian drinks to sample. From fruity lemonade to Caipirinha cocktails, there’s so much to enjoy.

If you can’t visit here right now, you can still learn more about how the must-try coffee styles, tea, sodas or what cocktails locals are ordering in bars – and maybe even try making some of these authentic tipples at home!

Popular Brazilian Drinks

1. Brazilian lemonade

This Brazilian lemonade is from lime and not lemons. It’s called lemonade because the word for lime in Portuguese is limão, and its juice is limonada, which translates to lemonade.

This refreshing and creamy Brazilian lemonade has a unique twist – condensed milk!

Recipe by Jaclyn

2. Leite de Onça

Leite de Onça is a sweet and creamy Brazilian cocktail with a thick and smooth texture, it translates to Jaguar Milk in English.

It’s with a combination of cachaça, crème de cacao, and milk, with garnishes with chocolate sprinkles or cinnamon. This cocktail is especially popular during Festa Junina.

Recipe by Bruna

3. Guaraná juice

Guaraná is a Brazilian fruit native to the Amazon region and is one of Brazil’s symbols.

Around 70% of guaraná is used to produce energy and soft drinks. The remaining 30% is used to make the juice. Guaraná is rich in antioxidants, caffeine, and improves overall skin appearance.

4. Caipirinha

This Brazilian national cocktail is with cachaça, sugar, and lime. Cachaça is the most common alcoholic drink in Brazil.

The traditional way to make Caipirinha is in a single large jar that can be shared amongst people,. You can also serve it in an old-fashioned glass with a lime wedge garnish.

5. Cajuína

This non-alcoholic Brazilian drink is made from gelatine and clarified and cooked cashew apple juice.

Cajuína is a Brazilian beverage trendy in the northeast, especially during the hotter months. In 2014, it was declared Brazilian cultural heritage, although its origins are not known they are said to be probably indigenous.

Brazilian drinks

6. Caipiroska

Caipiroska is a cocktail that is similar to Caipirinha, but consists of lime, brown sugar, and vodka instead of Brazilian cachaça. You might also hear it as ‘Caipivodka’ or ‘Caipirodka’.

Both Caipirinha and Caipiroska share the same preparation process: muddle lime wedges and sugar together before adding alcohol to the combination. A traditional way to serve Caipiroska is in an old-fashioned or highball glass.

Brazilian drinks

7. Chimarrão

The Brazilian version of yerba mate, also popular in Uruguay and Argentina. It’s has many health benefits including reducing the risk of cancer and stroke, improving brain function, and has plenty of natural caffeine in it.

The drink is more common in the Southern states of Brazil where the cold weather helps enjoy this delicious tea. This special tea is both symbolic and social and is popular to share among friends.

Brazilian drinks

Siobhan McKenny Photo


Siobhan McKenny


