Between its haunted hotels, creepy city halls and spooky stores, Minnesota has plenty of hair raising places that will send chills down your spine. Ready to go ghostbusting? Grab your proton pack, here are some of the most haunted places in Minnesota.
7 Most Haunted Places in Minnesota
1. St Paul City Hall, St Paul
The last execution in Minnesota took place at the City Hall in the city of St Paul. The execution was botched and horrific and the ghost of William Williams, who murdered a mother and her son, still haunts the site. There is a “secret” tunnel below the building where spirits pass-through from the unliving world to the living. Witnesses say they have seen ghosts wandering around looking confused before heading back into the tunnel and to the otherworld.
2. Big Winnie Resort and General Store, Bena
The Big Winnie Resort and General Store is one of the most famous sites in Northern Minnesota. This Federally recognised historic landmark is a hotbed for spooky happenings. Workers claim to hear talking in the store when it is empty and footsteps going up and down the stairs, again, when there is nobody else around. They also get an aroma of perfume, which is the same one the owner’s grandmother used to wear. The land also happens to contain the remnants of a World War II German prisoner-of-war camp. Expect lots of sightings of ghostly soldiers.
3. Schmidt Brewery, St. Paul
Ghost hunters flock to the Schmidt Brewery to experience some of the many rumoured paranormal activities. Since its opening in 1884, the brewery has been the site of many mysterious goings-on. From fires to deaths to kidnappings, this place has seen a lot of action, and the victims of these events linger around and haunt the grounds.
4. Minneapolis City Hall, Minneapolis
John Moshik haunts Minneapolis City Hall, apparently. Moshik, a convicted murderer, was the only person ever executed at the City Hall. This was another botched execution and Moshik’s angry ghost likes to hang out in the office of the judge who sentenced him to death. In this office, pictures suddenly fall off the walls and some of those who work here have become inexplicably ill.
5. Palmer House Hotel, Sauk Centre
The Palmer House Hotel in Sauk Centre is one of the most haunted places in Minnesota. The historic hotel dates from 1901 and has seen and felt many paranormal occurrences. The Travel Channel’s “Ghost Adventures” reported multiple instances of electronic voice phenomena (EVP) when they visited here. Guests also say they have experienced furniture rearranging itself and have felt a ghost cat jump on their bed when they were sleeping. Nothing more frightening than creepy ghost cats.
6. Nopeming Sanatorium, Duluth
Once a treatment centre for patients with tuberculosis, the Nopeming Sanatorium in Duluth, which was constructed in 1912, is haunted by the ghosts of those who died in the facility. Paranormal investigators say the vacant, crumbling building is haunted by a little girl as well as American Indians and the ghosts from a murder-suicide that took place on Mother’s Day in 1940. This place is so haunted that the Travel Channel’s “Ghost Adventures” came here to investigate.
7. The Waterstreet Inn, Stillwater
A Confederate Soldier wanders the rooms of the Waterstreet Inn in Stillwater. Apparently, he has a foul body order (it’s not his fault, he’s a corpse) and also reeks of whiskey. One time, a guest, who was alone in their room, got a whiff of his scent and also felt the soldier climb into bed with her! Talk about a scare before bedtime!